Wellness Coaching

Wellness coaching is an interactive process between a coach and an individual aimed at increasing knowledge, skills, self-confidence, and motivation to make healthy lifestyle changes.The coaching can be done in person, online, or over the phone and is meant to work as a resource to learn how to achieve and maintain a healthier lifestyle.

Difference Between Health Coaching and Wellness Coaching

There is a slight difference between health and wellness coaches though many times their functions may overlap.
Health coaches are trained in coaching techniques that will bring you into action toward achieving your specific goals while maintaining motivation to sustain behaviors for the long-term.A health coach is trained in nutrition, exercise physiology, physical fitness, weight management, health education, stress management, chronic disease management, end of life care, and more.
A wellness coach is a professional who works with people on how to change their behavior to better manage their health and wellbeing. A wellness coach can help you develop the habits that enable healthier living, focusing on all aspects of life – relationships, work and leisure time, as well as physical activity and nutrition.

How Wellness Coaching can help you?

  • Wellness of mind and body
  • A personal wellness coach will assist you in improving the wellness of your mind and body to help you overcome the fear of change and gain a better understanding of what you want and what you need.

  • Spiritual and Emotional Wellness
  • A holistic wellness coach not only invests time and attention in your physical health, but also seeks to support you emotionally, spiritually and mentally-helping you grow in all areas to provide your total wellbeing.

Meet some of our Wellness Coaches


Wellness coaching allows people to foster a positive mindset around health and wellbeing. A well-being coach looks at the whole picture when it comes to your lifestyle and coach you on developing healthy habits that will help you achieve total wellness.
Connect with a health and wellness coach to get started on making better and healthier choices in life.

Discover more about Wellness Coaching

Are you ready to be the person you see in your mind's eye?

Connect the dots through a series of exercises in this workbook to rediscover yourself and build a bridge to your dream life.
Don't be stuck without a goal or plan to execute.

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