How Coaching can help Small Business Owners Grow their Business

Why do Small Business Owners need Coaching

Did you know that according to Forbes, 8 out of 10 businesses fail in the first 18 months?
And that around 50% of businesses don’t make it past their 4th year?
If you’re a small business owner, those statistics may be alarming. I cringed when I read that- I’m almost on my 18 month mark myself, and I don’t plan on failing just yet.

Starting and running a small business is hard work. There are so many things to do, so many different hats to wear- from being a leader to a marketer, from innovator to top sales performer, running a business requires so much of you that it can be easy to derail yourself from things that matter most to you- your health, your family and relationships. 
No wonder a lot of people who start a business and simply give up- I don’t blame them.

However, if you had the right support, perhaps your chances of success are a lot more. And so comes a coach. “Coaching- really? Like there are 20 year olds calling themselves a coach- I don’t need one of them.” Honestly, I tell this to myself everyday.
But No, The Right coach CAN help you.
And the first thing to do would be to see which type of coaching you’d need to prioritise.

The idea of this article is for you to provide insight on the different scenarios you might be in and make better choices on the caching that will be most beneficial to you. Just think, if you were an elite athlete, what kind of support system and coaching you would have.

70% of the individuals who received coaching have stated to have experienced significant improvement in work performance, relationships and communication.

~The Institute of Coaching, affiliated to The Harvard Medical School

How a Business Coach can help a Small Business Owner

A Business Coach can help a small business owner navigate the waters of entrepreneurship and steer your business in the right direction. A Business coach is someone who has been there and done that, and can provide you with the guidance, support and accountability that you need to grow your business.

A Business Coach will help you develop a clear vision for your business.

When you’re first starting out, it’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day tasks of running a business and lose sight of the bigger picture. A coach will help you develop a clear vision for where you want your business to go and what you want it to achieve.

A Business coach will help you create a roadmap to success.

After you have a clear vision for your business, a  Business coach can help you create a roadmap to get there. This plan will include specific goals and actions that you need to take in order to achieve your vision.

A Business coach will hold you accountable.

One of the biggest challenges of being a small business owner is holding yourself accountable. It’s easy to get sidetracked and push off important tasks when you’re the only one responsible for getting them done. A coach will help you stay on track by holding you accountable and keeping you focused on your goals.

A Business Coach will provide support and encouragement.

Running a small business can be a lonely journey. A Business coach will provide the support and encouragement you need to keep going when times are tough. They’ll also celebrate your successes with you and help you maintain your motivation.


If you’re a small business owner, consider working with a coach to help you achieve your goals. 
A good business coach will help you focus on what’s important, help you develop a plan and execute it. They will also challenge you- push you outside of your comfort zone so you can grow.

Ready to Grow your Business with a Business Coach?

How A Life Coach can help Small Business Owners

In addition to a business coach, some small business owners may also benefit from working with a life coach. Your Business is an extension of you, so if you as an individual are not thriving in your personal space, it is pretty obvious that it will sooner or later reflect on the business as well.

A Life Coach will help you work on your mindset and emotional state, which are critical factors in running a successful business. A life coach will also help you set personal goals that align with your business goals. This can be a powerful combination that will help you achieve greater success in both your personal and professional life.

Some of the ways a life coach can help small business owners include:

1. Helping you identify and overcome mindset blocks that are holding you back from achieving your goals.
2. Discover your values- what you stand for and against and how you can reflect this on your business
3. Teaching you how to manage your emotions so you can stay focused and motivated, even when times are tough.
4. Helping you develop a strong personal foundation that will support you in achieving your business goals.
5. Building Soft Skills like Confidence, High Self Esteem.


A business coach can help small business owners with the practical aspects of running a business, but a life coach can help with the mindset blocks and emotional challenges that can get in the way of success. A Life Coach is definitely a Yes in your life as a small business owner.

Ready to Grow your Business with a Life Coach?

How A Wellness Coach can help Small Business Owners

As a small business owner, you wear many hats. You are the CEO, the CFO, the marketing department, and often the janitorial staff. With so much on your plate, it’s easy to let your own health and wellness fall by the wayside. 
At this time, a Wellness Coach is a person who could help you create a healthy and sustainable work-life balance, increase your productivity, and boost your bottom line. 

Wellness coaches are trained professionals who work with clients to help them reach their health and wellness goals. They take a holistic approach to health, encompassing physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. And they understand the unique challenges that small business owners face when it comes to maintaining their health and wellness.

Here are just a few of the ways a wellness coach can help you as a small business owner:

1. A wellness coach can help you create a healthy work-life balance.

Small business owners often have a hard time striking a balance between work and life. They are so focused on growing their business and meeting deadlines that they often sacrifice their own health and wellbeing in the process. A wellness coach can help you find ways to manage your time and energy so that you can make time for both work and play.

2. A wellness coach can help you increase your productivity.

When you’re feeling good, you’re more likely to be productive. A wellness coach can help you identify areas in your life that may be draining your energy or causing stress. They can also teach you how to use relaxation techniques and other tools to reduce stress and increase your energy levels. As a result, you’ll be able to work more efficiently and get more done in less time.

3. A wellness coach can help you boost business.

Investing in your health and wellbeing is an investment in your business. When you’re healthy, you’re more likely to be productive and efficient. You’ll also be less likely to miss work due to illness or injury. In other words, a wellness coach can help you save money on healthcare costs and lost productivity.

Ready to Grow your Business with a Wellness Coach?

How A Leadership Coach can help Small Business Owners

Leadership coaching can also be beneficial for small business owners. As your business grows, you will need to learn how to effectively lead and manage a team- be it your employees, contractors or free lancers. A leadership coach can help you develop the skills you need to be an effective leader.

Some of the ways a leadership coach can help small business owners include:

1. Helping you develop a leadership style that works for you and your team.

2. Teaching you how to communicate effectively with your team.

3. Helping you learn how to delegate tasks and responsibility so you can focus on the most important aspects of running your business.


Leadership coaching can help you take your business to the next level by developing the skills you need to effectively lead and manage a team. If you’re ready to take your business to the next level, consider working with a leadership coach.


Coaching is an amazing tool that can help us reach our goals faster and easier than if we were going it alone. By understanding the different types of coaches available to us and what type of coaching would be most beneficial in our lives, we can make sure that we are getting the most out of this wonderful resource.

Get Matched with the Right Coach to Grow your Business