How to Find A Coach Best Suited for You

shift happens

Whether you’re looking for help with your career, business, relationships, or health and fitness, there is a coach out there who can help you. 
Coaching is a common way to help individuals improve and achieve their goals, but when our social media is flooded with coaches for almost everything it can be confusing.
Do you need one?
And even if you did, how would you know which ones are right for you!

In this blog post we discuss the things to consider when looking for the right coach for you as well as how to get the most out of the coaching sessions .

1. What to look for in a coach

When you’re looking for a coach, it’s important to consider what you want to achieve and what kind of support you’re looking for.
Do you need someone to help you make major life changes, or do you just need someone to provide motivation and accountability?
There are coaches who specialize in different areas, so it’s important to find one who specializes in the area you’re looking for help with. There are different types of coaches specializing in specific areas- from confidence building to building leadership skills and staying healthy….. while many others take a more holistic approach.  

It’s also important to consider your personality and learning style to make sure you find a coach who is a good fit for you.
Do you prefer one-on-one sessions or group coaching?
Do you want someone who will give you direct feedback or someone who will simply listen and offer support?
These are just a few questions to consider when looking for a coach right for you.

2.Where to find a Coach

There are many ways to find a coach. Most people start by asking for recommendations from friends, family, or colleagues or through Facebook groups. This is great to start off with a list, but remember that everyone’s journeys, personalities and learning styles are different- which means that a coach who was perfect for your friend might not necessarily be the best one for your unique situation. 
Other ways you can find good coaches are by using a directory like GetCoached where many of their coaches are reference checked with past clients, saving you time in guessing if a coach can deliver the results you are after.  
Attending networking events where you can meet potential coaches is also a great way to find a coach for you. 

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3.How to know if a coach is right for you

Once you’ve found a few potential coaches, it’s important to do your research to make sure they’re the right fit for you. Read their bios and check out their websites to learn more about their experience and coaching style. Then, set up a consultation call or meeting to get a feel for their personality and whether you think you would work well together.

Many times, the personality you see on their social media may be completely different when you’re speaking to them one on one. So, by all means, book that discovery call and ask these questions when you interview the coach.

4.How to make the most of your coaching experience

Coaching is most effective when it’s a two-way relationship and can be a very powerful tool to help you achieve your goals. However, it’s important to manage your expectations and understand that coaching is not a magic bullet. Your coach will provide support and guidance, but ultimately it’s up to you to put in the work to achieve your goals. 
Once you’ve found a coach you’re comfortable with, it’s important to be prepared for your sessions and actively participate in the process. Come to each session with an open mind and be ready to share your thoughts and feelings. Be honest with your coach about what’s going on in your life and what you’re hoping to achieve.

To make the most of your coaching relationship, be sure to:


Set goals together

Work with your coach to set realistic and achievable goals. This will help you stay focused and on track.


Meet regularly

Schedule regular sessions with your coach, ideally once per week or every other week. This will help you stay accountable and make progress.


Be open and honest

Share your thoughts and feelings honestly with your coach. This will help them understand you better and provide more effective support.


Take action

It’s up to you to take action on your goals. Your coach can provide guidance, but ultimately it’s up to you to make things happen.


Be coachable

Be open to feedback and willing to try new things. This will help you get the most out of your coaching experience.

5. What to do if you’re not happy with your coach

Coaching can be a great way to achieve your goals, but it’s important to find the right coach for you. If you’re not happy with your current coach, do talk to the coach about it and perhaps the coach can change their coaching style slightly to accommodate you. If this doesn’t work however, you might have to work with a different coach altogether with a completely different style. Ultimately, you should choose the coach who you feel is best for you and who you feel comfortable working with.

Because you deserve to achieve that goal you are after, GetCoached is committed to help you find that right coach first time, who can get you to your goal, without you spending too much of your time and effort experimenting with coaches who may/may not provide you the outcome you’re after. With GetCoached’s AI powered  “Find my right Coach” tool, you can be assured to be recommended to your perfect coach who will understand you, has experience in dealing with your unique situation and delivering outcomes you are seeking.

Find the Right Coach with GetCoached

Because you deserve to achieve that goal you are after, GetCoached is committed to help you find that right coach first time, who can get you to your goal, without you spending too much of your time and effort experimenting with coaches who may/may not provide you the outcome you’re after.

GetCoached’s is launching their AI powered  “Find my Right Coach” assessment that can recommend you your most purpose-fit coach from their pool of coaches- A coach who truly understand you, has experience in dealing with your unique situation, coaches in a style compatible with your learning style- all to deliver the outcomes you are seeking.

This assessment takes about 5 minutes to complete and it’s totally free to use. The Beta Version of this assessment is available right now for you to try and have the list of your recommended coaches handy for when you need them.


Coaching can be an incredibly effective way to achieve your goals, but it’s important to find the right coach and establish a good working relationship. By being open and honest with each other, you’ll be able to get the most out of your coaching experience.

Take the Free, Non-Obligatory Assessment