By GetCoachedNZ

I Manifested All of These Things, And I’ll Tell You How.

Do you ever find yourself feeling like you have accomplished nothing in life? You are not alone. It is a common problem that we all go through at some point or another. Sometimes it feels like there is just too much to do and not enough time. But this does not mean that our dreams cannot come true. In fact, manifesting anything is easier than most people think!

Manifesting- Love this word and now in retrospection realise that I had manifested several things before I knew what this word meant. Here’s my special story-

15 years ago, I met my husband at the Engineering College that we went to. Our dating sessions involved lots of playing with electronics, studying hard, playing the video game SIMS on our laptops and looking at the travel magazines in the library. 

In the videogame SIMS, we created our avatars. Our avatars owned a home and had a daughter- named her Neana. As we spent 5 years at the University together, our avatars grew roots deep into our belief, our system. Young in love, we casually drew our dream house- with a little backyard, clothes line drying, a tree, a swing on it, Neana on the swing, and my husband and I still in love with each other. This was a silly dream then. No way in an Indian city, where people lived in apartments could we have a house of our imagination. We got on with our lives, found a job in a tech company and did the mundane for 3 years. 

Then I was bored! I had to disrupt our lives. I remembered NZ from the travel magazine I had seen a long time back in the library, during our dating sessions. I enrolled to study at AUT, convinced my husband to do the same. The next thing, we were on a flight to this country I now call home.

Fast forward to 2014, we get married, I get pregnant, we don’t find out the sex of the baby. Its 3rd May, 2015. I’m in the labour room, going through natural water birth, feeling every bit of birthing a baby. The baby was out of my womb and in my arms at 7:00 am. I was so exhausted I just held the baby and stared blankly. THe midwife then asked, “Are you not going to find out if the baby is a girl or a boy”. I pulled the baby’s body out of the water, the umbilical cord still joining us as I let out a faint gasp- Neana!

Just like that- there she was! Manifested! We bought a house in Auckland soon afterward. It has a little backyard for Neana to run around. It also has a tree and guess what’s on the tree- the swing of course!

This has been the biggest manifestation of my life and I’ve done it without the knowledge of meditation or connection to source energy. Yet I was connected to it all the time in that young simple childlike belief and fun of doing it.

And then we get older and wiser and logical and analytical and responsible and stop living the life that we could totally rock. I don’t think I could have had this life, if I was doing it now in my 30s. Yet, I try to instil that young thinking, now with help of meditations and connecting to the energy. Since then, I have been able to manifest another daughter, quit my corporate career and build this business.

So, what I learnt from my youth years on manifesting-

  1. Make your dream physical
    • Make those Vision Boards, write it, draw it. Do whatever to get it out of your brain into the physical world where you can see it, touch it. This is important as now you are asking the Universe for what you want. Ask and You shall receive! This is the first step to Manifesting.

  2. Start living the dream-
    • When my then boyfriend (now husband) and I played SIMS, we were together as a married couple. We were looking after our baby, changing nappies (how naïve of us). The brain doesn’t know what’s real and what’s not. Whatever you feed to it, it thinks it’s real, so feed it the things you want. Unknowingly, our brains believed that we were together, living with our daughter and so that became our reality.

  3. Take action-
    • Did you play trust fall as a kid- where you spread your arms and fall and trust that your friend will catch you?There’s no way I could do that now. My brain would totally doubt my friend- what if she sneezes just then, what if she decides to look at her phone just then, there’s no way I’m playing trust fall with her. And yet, as kids we fell, our friend caught us and we laughed and kept playing it till we got tired. What I’m getting into is- sometimes we just have to take that leap of faith and trust that the net will appear- without making plans on what to do if the net does not appear- that’s not trust. Be brave, board the flight, get on video, make the sales call, whatever it is for you. Knock and it shall be opened to you. The action is knocking- without wondering what if nobody is home.

So, this is my story and my understanding of manifestation. If you need help and guidance and a bit of hand holding in this journey, many of our coaches are trained to do just that and have helped many individuals manifest the lives they’ve always wanted. Browse our coaches and contact them here

A huge thank you to the Universe and all those before me who have paved the way.