10 Weird Things no one told you about Starting a Business

By – GetCoached

By – GetCoached

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

I wish somebody had told me the reality of starting a business- the highs and lows!
Owning your own business is not for the faint hearted. It’s a long windy game full of strong emotions, hard decisions and most of all challenging yourself to test waters you’d never imagined even existed. 

So, here’s a list of things you perhaps did not know and should know if you are thinking of starting a business.

  • Business is a long game. Six figures in Six months- perhaps it’s possible, but I have not met anyone with no prior experience to start something from scratch and turn it into a six figure generating machine in six months. Running a business takes a lot of time, so don’t buy that six figures in six months idea.
  • Be ready for extreme  mood swings- from feeling super high with motivating energy followed by I don’t want to wake up, get me KFC and the icecream tub in bed. It’s ok to feel this way while setting up your own business. There’s nothing wrong with you.
  • Just like when you had a baby (human or fur or plant) and everyone suddenly knew everything about how to raise them perfectly and wouldn’t stop giving you their opinions; people will do the same with your business baby. You’ll suddenly realise that everyone seems to know about running a business (except you) Filter-Learn-Ignore.
  • Family and friends will be upset that you’re no longer the person they knew you were and might not even support you- now that you are all busy starting your own business. Ignore their behaviour, and love them still, they’ll come around.
  • Are you a great planner? That’s a must have basic survival skill in starting up your own business. Plan it all- How are you going to finance it? What kind of income do you expect from it? How long is it going to take to generate this income? What if it does not generate that income. Make a plan for every aspect of the business so that you are not stuck feeling overwhelmed that you can’t do anything.
  • You’ll have to learn- everything like crazy- at supersonic speeds. You still need to have basic knowledge of a certain thing even if you get professionals to do them for you.
  • Getting on the Personal Development Wagon will benefit you. Yes, all those people you laughed at saying they were talking all Woo Woo will suddenly make sense and this exact Woo Woo will be your guide- helping you as you’re starting up your own business.
  • You’ll think of going back to your 9 to 5 salaried job many times. Your salaried job will seem so much easier than running your own business
  • You’ll also realise that you could now do your corporate job blindfolded- you are capable of doing so much more. The experience you gain in all fields while setting up your business is priceless.
  • As you push all boundaries, you will surprise yourself at the end. The person you were before you started the business and the one who runs your established business will never be the same. So, by all means, start that business.

Finally, successfully running a business requires building a team of people who will support you, complement your skills, and build on your strengths. These are some of the few people you must have in your team, who’ll help you set up your business.

So, starting a Business is both scary as well as exciting. And if you’re ready to hand over that resignation letter, take a deep breath and reassess how sure you’re to dive into this wonderful world of building a business.

And for some hand holding and motivation, helping you get your business off the ground, a Business Coach could point you to the correct resources and launch you to success. Browse our Business Coaches here and see who you vibe with most.